When started: the WASH project commenced in 2020 and has been running up to now. Its main focus is availing water to communities that are struggling with scarcity of this precious commodity.
Description: water scarcity and related scrambles is one of the major triggers of conflict in the Turkana and Pokot communities. Members of the 2 communities have traditionally fought and killed each other as a result of scramble for water for both human and animal use. In order to contribute towards cure of this challenge, CDO initiated local and external fund raising activities to assist sink some boreholes for the communities.
Achievements: so far, we have sunk a total of 7 boreholes in the following distribution and places; 1 borehole in Alale West Pokot, 1 in Kesses West Pokot, 2 in Kerio Turkana and 3 in Lodwar Turkana.
-Lack of full-time staff to implement and sustain the project’s activities. The current team is comprised of volunteers.
-Vastness of the region and difficult road terrains during rainy seasons
-Weak logistics – we rely on the Bishop’s car to implement the project’s activities whenever he (Bishop) is ministering in the region.
-Financial constraints
-Lack of WASH expertise/capacity by the community, pastors and staff that are involved in the activities
Mission is Give for People
Some People Need Help And We Give It!
Our Goal
CDO’s main goal is to contribute towards resolution of the inherent problems that affect the poorest of the poor among them nomadic pastoralists and vulnerable and marginalized groups. These inherent problems are manifested in conflicts, poverty, and inadequate access to water, sanitation and hygiene, and a degraded environment.