Emergency Response


When started: the emergency response activity is anticipatory in nature. It’s meant to support CDO to stay in the readiness mode whenever a disaster strikes. In 2020, the organization was caught unawares when corona struck. We were unable to support the affected communities with basic needs such as food, medicines and psycho-social support and counselling services.

Description: because of frequent disasters such as raids and causalities that result, disease outbreaks, drought and famines, we have set up this activity and the plan is to set aside a fund that will be on standby for use during such eventualities.   

Achievements: we have professional and experienced staff in the field of humanitarian assistance that we can deploy any time there is need.


-Financial constraints

Mission is Give for People

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

Our Goal

CDO’s main goal is to contribute towards resolution of the inherent problems that affect the poorest of the poor among them nomadic pastoralists and vulnerable and marginalized groups. These inherent problems are manifested in conflicts, poverty, and inadequate access to water, sanitation and hygiene, and a degraded environment.


Volunteers In 2020


People We Helped In 2020

$ 0 M

People who need our Support

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Calvary Development Organization
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