The 2010 Kenyan Constitution, specifically Article 53(b), states unequivocally that every child has the right to free and compulsory basic education.
In education sector, particularly in the arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) more than 1.57 million children are at risk of dropping out of school. Calvary development organization has placed a strong emphasis on children’s rights and keeping vulnerable kids in school who are at risk of dropping out, such as orphans. To avert these threats and safeguard the gains already made substantial support will be needed from national, county governments, development and humanitarian organizations.
Our interventions
Building schools
In order to address the inequalities and access to education, Calvary development organization has established 2 Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers in Nakutan, Loima Sub-county and Nakurio, Turkana Central Sub-County respectively. They are equipped with boreholes & water pumps, giving children and adults the opportunity to wash their hands and drink clean water.
Through this intervention CDO has sent over 450 children to school, introduced literacy classes, and built a library with internet access to create reading awareness.
To help girls stay in school, CDO and local partners provide them with sanitary pads, which are usually too expensive for girls living in poverty and often make them miss school.
Impacting schools through mentorship for on school, out of school and post-secondary youths programmes in vocational/apprenticeship skills and job preparedness including enhanced market responsive interventions.
CDO, will proactively prospect for resources that enable it to support, strengthen (holistically) and support like-minded actors committed to working on issues affecting children – especially those in difficult circumstances as well as on education programmes.
The Calvary Development Organization is mobilizing like-minded actors to increase resources that address access to quality and transition to higher levels for vulnerable children. Mobilizing resources to ensure kids join secondary schools and university.
Mission is Give for People
Some People Need Help And We Give It!
Our Goal
CDO’s main goal is to contribute towards resolution of the inherent problems that affect the poorest of the poor among them nomadic pastoralists and vulnerable and marginalized groups. These inherent problems are manifested in conflicts, poverty, and inadequate access to water, sanitation and hygiene, and a degraded environment.