Calvary Development Organization (CDO) is a vibrant development arm of the Glory Outreach Ministries (churches) of Turkana Kenya. CDO is a non-state peace and development community based organization established in October 2019 by a team of seasoned peace and development professionals from Turkana County. Special emphasis relates to pastoralism and its change mechanisms with affiliate links to other parts of the County in West Pokot and cross border regions of Turkana-Nyangatom Ethiopia, Turkana-South Sudan and Turkana-Uganda. CDO was registered on 24th October 2019 as a community based organization (CBO) vides registration certificate number CC/TRC/CBO/HC 5255.
CDO’s main goal is to contribute towards resolution of the inherent problems that affect the poorest of the poor among them nomadic pastoralists and vulnerable and marginalized groups. These inherent problems are manifested in conflicts, poverty, and inadequate access to water, sanitation and hygiene, and a degraded environment
Calvary Development Organization (CDO) is a community-based organization in Turkana County aimed at complementing the efforts of other development partners in community empowerment for development. This is in response to the need to reduce illiteracy, only half the school-age children in Turkana are enrolled in primary school, well below the national average of 92 percent, according to the charity Save the Children and poverty, Turkana ranked fifth among counties with a high number of people living in total poverty with 743,000 people, it was the worst county in terms of the proportion of its population living in poverty, with five out of every six people, KNBS.
CDO was established and registered on October 24, 2019 with the Department of Social Development as a community-based organization (CBO) with the objective of promoting a healthy, prosperous, and dignified community through child protection, education, peaceful co-existence, food security through agriculture, water access, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), healthcare, emergency response, and climate change activities.
Calvary Development Organization works mainly with pastoralist communities the Ateker in Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and Ethiopia.
Calvary development organization projects and focused on the following thematic areas: